Propolis: A Natural Cure for Many Diseases

We’ve probably only started hearing of propolis as an alternative medicine within the last couple of decades, when our fathers, mothers, uncles and aunts began to talk about it and consume its variant products. In fact, many products today are derived of this substance, or at least have a little percentage of propolis in them. I could remember not long ago I heard of a toothpaste brand that features propolis as one of its main ingredients. What about you? Have you or haven’t you heard of propolis?

What is propolis?

Propolis used as sealant in beehives. A photo uploaded by Akarlovic on Wikipedia

The most common misconception about propolis is that, like honey, it’s also a by-product of bees. Well, I personally thought so when I first heard of it. And, that is completely untrue. I felt like an idiot, but at least I didn’t preach to anyone about it then. Now, I’m smart enough to get references from a number of online resources before I attempt to explain about it. So, here we go. What is propolis?

Propolis is a resin-like substance bees extract from plant saps, tree buds, or other botanical sources. By divine instruction, somehow bees are guided to collect this resin and use it to seal their hives from unwanted open spaces. But, isn’t bees’ wax also used to seal beehives? The answer is, yes, bee’s wax is also a sealant agent for beehives; however, bees’ wax is mainly applied for larger gaps. Propolis, on the other hand, is only for gaps of 6 mm or smaller.

Now, let’s challenge what we’ve understood about propolis so far. If you yourself were to extract the same plant saps, tree buds, etc. would it be the same as propolis? The answer is, no. Propolis is what it is and has both sealant and antimicrobial properties as it is because bees contribute their saliva into the substance when they first extract and apply them to seal their hives.

What’s so miraculous about propolis?

God works wonder indeed. He creates all creatures and substances with multi-faceted purposes on Earth. As for propolis, not only does it protects the bees from harsh elements such as rain and cold winter drafts; but propolis also prevents diseases and parasites from entering the hives, while inhibiting fungal and bacterial growth at the same time. In face, with these anti-bacterial and anti-fungal property, propolis makes individual beehive the most sterile room in the whole world—man-made sterile rooms can never beat these natural disinfectant spaces.

Fascinatingly, propolis has also been used as mummifying agent the bees use to seal or tightly wrap unwanted animal carcasses they couldn’t carry out through their hives’ entrances. In this way, bees manage to convert these animal carcasses into harmless and odourless objects simply serve as decorative ornaments inside their hives. This was proven with the discovery of a mouse carcass inside a bee hive. The mouse, which had been dead for more than five years, didn’t decompose at all but become purified in time.

It’s all these amazing qualities of propolis that has encouraged scientists to explore and develop cures from this miraculous substance.

Nature provides a cure for everything, except death.

Propolis in beehive. A photo uploaded by Abalg on Wikipedia Public Domain

What are the medicinal components in propolis?

Propolis sold in the market is usually a combination of 55% resin, 30% bee wax, 10% aromatics and 5% bee pollen. This substance has the following nutritional values:

  1. It contains all vitamins except vitamin K.
  2. It contains all minerals our body requires except sulfur.
  3. It contains 16 essential amino acids needed for cell regeneration.
  4. It contains bioflavanoid, an antioxidating agent extracted from plants.

Antioxidant content in 1 drop of propolis = antioxidant content in 500 oranges

Medicinal Uses of Propolis

Propolis is an excellent cure for:

  • Bacterial infections: typhoid, diarrhea, bad odour, etc.
  • Viral infections: dengue fever, flu, TBC, etc.
  • Fungal infections: eczema, scurvy, dandruff, etc.
  • Inflammations: ulcer, stomach ulcer, external wound, throat infection, tooth problems, kidney problems, burns, etc.
  • Cancer-related problems: cancer, tumor, myoma, cyst, etc.

It also exhibits therapeutic properties including:

  1. Blood cleansing: arteriosclerosis, arthritis, rheumatism, etc.
  2. Detoxifying: uric acid, cholesterol, trigliserin, high blood pressure, heart problems, stroke, diabetics, etc.
  3. Neutralising: kidney problems
  4. Antioxidating: cancer-related problems
  5. Boost of immune system
  6. Other conditions: digestive and breathing problems, neurological condition, etc.


Click here to learn about success stories of propolis’ consumers. Among these stories include healing or cures of stroke, heart problem, chronic kidney problem, dengue fever, cervical cancer, breast cancer, diabetic amputation, bronchitis, yearlong sinusitis, alergic reaction, kidney infection, treatment of external wound, chicken pox, rheumatism, myoma, cyst, stroke, intestinal tumour, high blood pressure, tonsilitis, asthma, chronic liver problems, migraines, kidney stone, etc.

Usually, after a few days of use, the body will begin to detoxify and excrete unwanted and harmful substances. In women it may be like whiteness, or may also in a form of dark patches or lumps.

Our Propolis product @ IDR 50,000 per 6ml bottle

Intake doses

For stamina, 2 – 4 drops in water 3 times a day. Similar dose is also used for first trial, especially in kids.

For disease therapy, 5 – 7 drops in water 3 times a day, depending on how serious the illness is.

External application

Apply generously onto wounds, burns or other skin problems. Trust me, it has been proven effective to cure my son’s rashes and mouth ulcer on my husband’s uncle.

Enquire more about propolis, click here to send us an e-mail.


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